• DO Remove your contact lenses.
  • DON'T Wear makeup or mascara.
  • DON'T Apply face creams or sunblock to the eye area.
  • DON'T Curl your lashes on the day of your lash application.
  • DON'T Wear large or dangly earrings.

Patients with an eye infection, like pink eye, need to wait until it has cleared before treatment.


Now that your lashes are long, thick, and beautiful, please follow these easy care instructions and they can last indefinitely with regular touch-ups.

  • Do not use saunas or steam for the first 48 hours.
  • Avoid letting water or oil come in contact with the lashes for the first 24 hours.
  • Refrain from picking, pulling, or rubbing your eyelashes.
  • Gently groom your new lashes with an eyelash brush or comb.
  • Enhance the dramatic effect of your lashes by applying thick liquid liner to the upper lashes.
  • Avoid using waterproof mascara as it will shorten the life of your lash extensions.
  • Do not perm or tint lashes after application; if tinting is needed, do it before applying eyelash extensions.
  • Ensure eye creams and moisturizers do not come in contact with the lashes.
  • Only use water-soluble mascara.
  • Avoid washing the eyes or lashes with hot water or steam, as excessive heat can distort the lashes.
  • Do not use oil-based eye makeup remover, as it can weaken the adhesive and cause lashes to fall out.
  • Schedule a refill every 2-3 weeks to replace lost lashes.
  • Avoid using any oil products near the eyes, such as moisturizer or eye cream.
  • Expect to lose a few lash extensions within the first 24 hours of application; it's normal.
  • Contact us immediately if you experience any itching or irritation.
  • If necessary, have your eyelash extensions professionally removed to prevent damage to your natural lashes.

PLEASE NOTE: there is no guarantee on how long your lash extensions will last. Your individual lash cycle, combined with how well you care for the extensions will determine how long they last.



  • DO Remove your contact lenses.
  • DON'T Wear makeup or mascara.
  • DON'T Apply face creams or sunblock to the eye area.
  • DON'T Curl your lashes on the day of your lash application.
  • DON'T Wear large or dangly earrings.

Patients with an eye infection, like pink eye, need to wait until it has cleared before treatment.


  • Avoid wearing makeup for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid hot water, steam rooms, and swimming pools for the first 24 hours.
  • Refrain from touching or rubbing your eyes immediately after treatment.
  • Do not rub or pull on your eyelashes.



  • DO clean your face and neck thoroughly and ensure your face is free of any lotions or creams, including acne or anti-aging facial products.
  • DO make sure your face is free of any injured areas, including minor cuts, irritated pimples, or sunburn.
  • DON'T wax if you're taking antibiotics or are on medical skin treatments such as Accutane, Retinol, Retin-A, or Renova.
  • DON'T exfoliate before waxing.
  • DON'T wax if you're pregnant or diabetic.
  • DON'T drink coffee, tea, soda, or eat chocolate before your appointment.


  • Avoid wetting your brows and lashes for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid rubbing the eyes or touching your lashes and brows.
  • Avoid heat treatments for 24 hours.
  • Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this fades the tint.
  • Avoid oil-based beauty products as they can cause the tint to fade faster.
  • Do not apply makeup for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
  • Do not apply Retin-A, AHA, or exfoliate around the brow area for 72 hours on either side of the treatment.
  • No self-tanning products should be used on the face for one week before and 48 hours after treatment.
  • Book your tinting/laminating treatment again after 4-6 weeks.

NOTE: If any stinging or swelling occurs, apply a cold compress to the area and seek medical advice.

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There are several things you should (and shouldn’t!) do before any facial. Follow these tips to ensure you get the most out of your professional facial treatment.

  • NO surgical procedures or ablative lasers for 6 weeks before your treatment.
  • NO Botox, filler, or other injectables for 2 weeks before your treatment.
  • NO chemical peels or aggressive exfoliation for 2 weeks before your treatment.
  • NO topical retinoids for 3 days before your treatment.


  • DO be prepared to discuss your skin concerns and what your goals might be.
  • DO stay out of the sun and away from tanning for 5 days before your facial.
  • DO wash your face gently so you arrive with clean skin. Your provider needs a clean slate to work with.
  • DO continue with your normal morning skincare routine, except for masks, peels, or deep exfoliation. It’s fine to moisturize and use sunscreen, but skip any treatments as these may interact negatively with your facial treatment.
  • DO create a list of the skincare products and ingredients you’re currently using. This helps your aesthetician understand your current skincare habits and make recommendations or adjustments to improve your routine.
  • DO let your provider know what skincare concerns you have. This will help them create a targeted treatment that gives you the results you want.
  • DO consider taking a shower before your appointment. This helps open your pores and also ensures you arrive at your most hygienic.
  • DO drink plenty of water so you’re well hydrated, but not so much that you have to run to the bathroom during your appointment!
  • DO take some time to relax so you don’t go into your appointment stressed out. Facials are just as much about relaxing self-care as they are about healthy skin.
  • DO speak up if you’re nervous. Your provider’s goal is to give you a great experience, and they can talk you through the process or answer any questions to put you at ease.


  • DON’T wear makeup to your appointment. Your aesthetician can’t treat your skin until your face is clean.
  • DON’T make changes to your skincare routine a week or sooner before your appointment. If you change up your routine, you won’t know if your post-facial results are because of the treatment or one of the changes you made.
  • DON’T do any intensive or invasive skincare treatments, like facial masks, peels or peel-off masks, or exfoliating treatments. Also, make sure to stop using chemical exfoliants and potential irritants a week or so before your treatment. This can irritate the skin when combined with facial treatments.
  • DON’T shave or wax any treatment areas like brows, face, lips, legs, or bikini line. You don’t want to make your skin extra sensitive before a professional facial or body treatment.
  • DON’T forget to tell your aesthetician about any medications you’re taking and any allergies you have. Your provider must know about any potential issues before they get started.
  • DON’T schedule your appointment too close to a major event. Depending on the type of treatment you get, you could experience redness or peeling for a few days afterward. Book your appointment about five to seven days before your event.
  • DON’T drink caffeine too close to your appointment time. It can cause facial twitching or make it hard to relax.
  • DON’T have chemical peels or laser treatments for 2 weeks before your treatment.


No matter what facial treatment you get, you can follow the post-facial do’s and don’ts below to ensure excellent, long-lasting results.


  • DO drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and help flush out toxins.
  • DO try not to touch your face or other treated areas, and skip any at-home facial massage. Your skin may be sensitive, so a hands-off approach is best.
  • DO avoid makeup for at least the rest of the day. While this isn’t 100% necessary, applying makeup right after a facial is not ideal and may clog your recently deep-cleaned pores.
  • DO wait at least two to three days before using skincare treatments or products that could irritate your skin or increase skin sensitivity. That means no toners, exfoliants, new products, or acne treatments. You should also DO avoid products with vitamin C and retinol.
  • DO stay out of direct sunlight and avoid high heat. Some products used during your treatment may make you more sensitive to the sun.
  • DO take some time to relax and let your skin rest. This isn’t a requirement for Geneo treatments, but it’s still nice to continue the relaxing spa vibe for the rest of the day.
  • DO make sure to use a clean pillowcase and clean towels. This will help keep dirt and oils out of your pores.


  • DON’T wash your face or take a shower until at least six hours after your treatment. The serums and treatments need to have time to absorb into your skin completely.
  • DON’T forget to use sunscreen with noncomedogenic ingredients. Sunscreen is always a must, but make sure your post-facial sunscreen is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.
  • DON’T exercise right after your treatment. Sweating will remove the serums that are still being absorbed into your skin.
  • DON’T swim or apply water or steam to your face until at least six hours after your treatment. As with exercise and sweating, applying water or steam will remove the skincare products before they’re fully absorbed.
  • DON’T pick at your skin. While you should never do this, it’s especially important to avoid it after a facial when your skin is at its most sensitive.
  • DON’T wax, shave, or pluck hair in the treated area for at least a few days after treatment, as this can inflame your hair follicles.
  • DON’T forget to follow the post-facial care instructions provided by your esthetician. Your provider knows the best way to care for your skin based on the procedures and products used during your treatment.
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  • DO exfoliate the waxing area 24-48 hours before your appointment. This will keep the skin soft and smoother and prevent ingrown hairs.
  • DO stay out of the sun & tanning beds for 2 days before your treatment.
  • DO bathe or shower on the day of your appointment to open up the follicles, allowing for easier hair removal.
  • DO take 1-2 paracetamol (Tylenol) about 30 minutes before your appointment if you have never had a wax before or find the process painful.
  • DON'T use any exfoliants for 2 days before your treatment.
  • DON'T have spray tanning done within 1 week before your treatment.
  • DON’T apply any deodorants, make-up, lotions, soaps, powders, perfumes or self-tanning products to the area to be waxed.


For the first 24 hours after a waxing service, avoid the following to prevent irritating to the skin:

  • No hot baths or showers (cool to lukewarm water only).
  • No saunas, hot tubs, massage, or steam treatments.
  • No tanning (sunbathing, sun beds, or fake tans).
  • No sport, gym work, or other exercise.
  • Avoid scratching or touching the treated area with unwashed hands.
  • Wear clean, loose-fitting clothes.
  • Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools.
  • Do not apply deodorants, body sprays, powders, lotions, or other products to the area, other than those recommended by your therapist.
  • Do not wear tight-fitted clothing that may cause friction to the waxed area.

After your waxing service, you may expect the area to be red, some may experience blood spots due to thicker, courser hair and the area may feel tender and tingle.